What Are Web Push Notifications And Why Do You Need It

We all have wondered to find a way of reaching out to our blog visitors who aren’t our newsletter subscribers.

Well, there is a good news for all the marketers out there.

We have Web push notifications with us which are exactly the right and the missing communication channel that we needed in our marketing campaigns.

These messages or notifications are the best way to stay in the sight of your users who aren’t willing to give their Email addresses or any personal information to you.

Let’s get started with a brief intro of web push notifications.

What are Web Push Notifications?

These are clickable messages that any website can send to its subscribers at their browsers.  

If you are aware of how mobile push notifications (which you keep receiving from various apps on your notification bar) work, these are exactly the same with two major differences:

  1. You don’t need an app for web push notifications
  2. These messages can be sent to any device (mobile, desktop, tablet, laptop and so on).

Web push notifications are network independent and are always delivered in real time. This means that even if the user is not online at the time of delivery of messages, he will receive the notification as soon as he opens his browser.

You can use these notifications to direct users your blog posts, abandoned shopping carts, surveys, offer pages and much more.

Now that you know what web push notifications are, let’s go over why you need them

Why do you need Web Push Notifications


1. Web Push notifications can be installed easily

They work in a 2 step process:

  • Opt in: As soon as a visitor comes on a website, he is shown an opt in popup asking for permission to send him updates.
  • Send Notifications: Once the user clicks on allow, he is added to the your website’s subscriber list. Now you can easily send him any notification at any time you want.

Hence, it is seamless for both the website and the users. You do not have to be an expert for setting up web push for your website. Using Notifyfox, you can easily make your website push ready. Once you have properly installed the Javascript code on your website, you can start sending notifications with Notifyfox.  

2. Web Push notifications expand your reach

With Email marketing reaching its peak and social media updates crowding the user’s life, it is getting difficult day by day to cut through the stream and reach your audience.

This is when web push notification come in the picture. These are delivered right at the browsers of your subscribers irrespective whether they are on your website or not. This increases the online visibility exponentially.

3. Web Push Notifications give better click through rates

Since the user does not have to give away their names, phone numbers of Email Ids, web push notifications have better opt in rates than any other marketing channels.

Also, the users can opt out of receiving these message any time they want. Because of these reasons, web push notification have proven results for great click through rates going as high as 40%.

4. Web Push Notifications are delivered instantly in real time

This is one of the best features of web push notifications. These messages are delivered in a jiffy. Therefore, you won’t have to wait for your user’s to open their Emails or social media walls to read your message. As soon as they open their browsers, your messages will be delivered to them.

5. Web Push Notifications do not require any special designing skills

The appearance of the notifications is handled by the browser. Therefore, you don’t have to be any design buff to send out a push notification. All you need is a title, a message and an image and you are good to go.

Web push notifications is the newest technology in town and is at its infancy stage. I would recommend you to make the most of it you can.